Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Are You In The Right Ministry?

Hello and welcome to Learn Music and Ministry's brand new blog spot! We hope that you will join us and use this forum to share your thoughts and ideas as well as learn from the thoughts and experiences of others. I want to share my thoughts today about ministry and being sure that we as ministers are where God wants us to be. Or are we just singing, and playing because someone told us we were good at it. Have you heard the song "Called To Be" by Jonathan Nelson? It's an amazingly powerful song, and its really the inspiration for today's post . Have you ever asked your self if being a musician or minister of music, or praise team leader is truly what you are called to be? Most people choose a profession or office in the church based on what interests them without ever stopping to ask themselves is this what God has called me to be. Imagine how powerful our ministry can be if we are truly in touch with what God has called us to be and we actually operate in that knowledge. The scripture says in Romans 8:30-31 Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified. What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us? Imagine going forth in ministry with that knowledge. As Ministers, Music Ministers, Praise Team leaders, Choir Members and the body of Christ it is our duty first to edify God. As we edify Him we minister to His people and they no longer see us but Him in us and that is what draws them to Christ. That is what uplifts them and encourages them to go into an intimate worship. Unfortunately my experience has been that many people sing in the choir, on the praise team or play instruments in the church for all the wrong reason without any idea how to minister. It is so important to take a step back and really ask yourself is this where I am supposed to be? Am I doing what God has called me to do? Or would I be better serving Him in another capacity. Because ultimately it's about God and ministering to His people and if we aren't doing that effectively then it's time to re-evaluate.

1 comment:

  1. This is an awesome read and more people need to realize that when you are in the place to minister its more than just what song is going to get the people to shout or speak in tongues, its the ministry behind what you are presenting. The bible says, your gift will make room for you, I say are you in the right room? With your gift comes with guidance and you cant effectivley minister if you are trying to be in another lane when God called you to another.

    I love this blog! Keep it up!
