Thursday, January 19, 2012

Flowing In the Spirit

Have you ever been a part of a choir, band, or praise team where the praise team leader or minister of music was not at all in tune with the spirit? How did it affect you and the service? Recently I visited a church where the music leader had no idea how to flow in the spirit. The music ministry lent absolutely no support to the man of God because it didn't set the atmosphere for anyone to be ushered into the presence of the Lord. The service was such a struggle to get through because it was like riding in a car with some one who is learning to drive a stick shift; you just keep jerking back and forth, starting and stopping. The music ministers sole focus was singing what the choir rehearsed rather than listening to what the spirit was saying. Don't misunderstand I appreciate rehearsing, rehearsing is important. But if the spirit moves in a different direction it's important to be in tune with it and to be flexible. Growing up I always remember my mom saying at choir rehearsal these are the songs we are going to rehearse but if the spirit moves a different way we will sing something else. From that I learned whenever I work with a choir or praise team it's important to build an arsenal of songs so that when the spirit moves you have something to pull from. How would you respond if your Pastor got up to preach and he said well I really am not prepared, I haven't been before the Lord, I haven't heard from the Lord, and I haven't been praying or reading the word so I'm just gonna preach this sermon I wrote down. You'd think he was crazy! Well ministering music is no different. As music ministers we have to STAY before the Lord and remain prayerful, open and flexible. We have to be able to hear His voice and listen when He speaks. It is so awesome when the pastor or minister and the music minister are both in tune with the spirit. The spirit of the Lord can flow so freely and so many souls can reap the benefits of being in his presence. A few Sundays ago our Pastor Leon M. Corder Jr. preached a sermon entitled "The Fight Is Fixed" and of course we had rehearsed a song to sing for invitation but because we were open, able to hear God, and flexible, God gave my husband a song to write, right there on the spot. We gathered quietly together and learned it and sang it for invitation and 10 souls came to Christ. That is the most important objective! The song reinforced the subject and sealed the message within the people. Church is like a hospital, people come with broken hearts, broken spirits, troubled minds, unforgiveness, addictions, and all kinds of sin. These people come with the desire to be ministered to, not just through the Word but also through song. When we minister effectively through song we begin to break down stoney hearts and break down walls and break through barriers that keep people from hearing the Word which convicts and saves souls. If we aren't in tune with what God is saying to us we cannot effectively minister to His people.

Please share your thoughts, I really want to hear what you have to say and connect with you. I want to know what some of your experiences have been and what are some of the things you do to insure you are in tune with the spirit.

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